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to the
Gopher State Tape Library Web Store!

We're glad your here!

Effective immediately, our offices will be closed in order to prepare for our move this month. Our phone number: 952-927-0050 and our fax: 952-920-8678, Toll free number: 877-557-6700 and PO Box: 26172 will remain the same. All our email addresses will also remain the same. We will also continue to process and ship our online orders - although we may be slightly slower at it. This will be in effect until September 1st. This is a big job and it will take pretty much all month.

We will do our best to process our orders as quickly as possible - but please remember we will be working under difficult conditions during the transition. We are hoping to transition as quickly as possible - but you know how these things can go.

I want to thank you for your continued support of the Gopher State Tape Library, for your patience, and for your understanding!

Roger Bruner

Welcome to our new web store. We have worked hard to build a store and shopping experience that will be both enjoyable and productive for you. Quite a number of hours have gone into discussions about how best to display the audio recordings that Gopher State Tape Library has available. This has been a labor of love, since we truly treasure our customers - people whom we actually think of as friends - and want you to enjoy your visit with us.

There are 2 ways to navigate around this store and web site. The first is that you can use the dynamic menus that appear when you place your curser over the words below the top picture (header). These will take you to the various parts of our site - both inside the shopping cart and outside it, and will appear on all our pages. The transition will not affect your viewing or shopping in any way. Generally, products pages are inside the store and information pages are outside it.

The second method is to use the Category Links to the left of this text. These links will take you to the pages for the categories noted. These links, as is also true of the top menus, are available on all product pages. Either method is a good way to navigate the site. As time goes by, you will undoubtedly develop your own preference.

In addition to the two types of navigation links, we also have incorporated a Search Engine function. The box at the top right of the Product Pages, or this Store Home Page, is for your convenience in finding specific speakers or events. You can type in any word and search our store. This search function searches the description portion of each products record and produces a page(s) with the items that contain that word in the description. This also allows you to search for topics, locations and other descriptive words associated with products. We think this a wonderfully helpful addition for you.

As is true of any endeavor, there is always room for improvement. We know that as you browse through our site you will think of products or functions for this site that you would enjoy having. If so, please feel free to email the WebGopher and make your suggestion known. We want to do our very best for you and need your help to do so.

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