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Found 149 items, showing 1 to 10.    Next 10 Matches
Category: AA Talks

The Turning Point - Roger B
4 CD Set
Many points throughout the Steps we make small and large adjustments, the significance is not always known at the time. This workshop is based on the steps from a somewhat different angel – Admission, Submission, Restitution and Construction of a new life.
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Talks

Peter M. - His Story & Step 11
2 CD Set    CD-462  Peter M. - His Story and Step 11 - Prayer & Meditation
$ 15.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Talks

Steps 1, 2 & 3 + His Story
3 CD Set    Steps 1,2 & 3 + His Story - Mickey B.
<     A very funny mand, acronyms are his trademark. Great to listen to!
$ 20.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Talks

The Big Book Comes Alive!
6 CD Set    The Big Book Comes Alive - a compilation
Talks are from people whose stories are in the Big Book:
    - Lyle P. - the story "Grounded"
    - Beth H. - the story "Empty On The Inside"
    - Dr. Paul O. - the story "Acceptance Was The Answer"
    - Earle M. - the story "Physician, Heal Thyself"
    - Marty M. - the story "Women Suffer Too"
    - Bob P. - the story "AA Taught Him How To Handle Sobriety"
$ 45.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Talks

Chuck C. - 2 talks
3 CD Set    Chuck C. - AA
   Chuck C was one fo the greats! These recordings are from two conferences
     - The 12 Steps, recorded at the 1977 Arkansas Convention
     - Chuck's version of the "Prodigal Son", recorded in 1964.
A must for your library!
$ 20.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Talks

The Chairman Speaks
2 CD Set    The Chairman Speaks - composite of AA talks
   In the old days, this was Gopher State Roundup #2 in 1975. The speakers introduced each other, told stories on each other - it was more of a "roast" than an introduction. We laughed until we cried! Check it out, these were some of the truly early guys and they were characters!
$ 15.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Talks

What is the Problem? The Solution?
2 CD Set    What is the Problem? What is the Solution? - Tom B.
   A wonderful man who has been deeply tested by life. Sharing his experience, strength and hope with us . . . highly recommended!
$ 15.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Talks

A Spiritual Aid Kit
3 CD Set    A Spiritual Aid Kit - Chuck & Elsa C.

  Recorded in January 1967, they share the program and how it healed their relationship and saved their lives. A great listen!
$ 20.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Talks

. . . And This is A.A.
3 CD Set    . . . And This is A.A. - Jack C.
  Jack has a powerful story of a spiritual awakening in AA. Here is his take on our 12 Steps - Wonderful!!
$ 20.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Talks

Anytime, Anyone Reaches Out
4CD Set    Anytime, Anyone Reaches Out
    Recorded in 2015 at the 11th Big ole Roundup. Doug brings a fire and enthusiasm to this workshop. High energy, Big Book, 12 Steps. Excellent for the new person or someone whose been around a while and could use a reminder.
$ 25.00 View Cart Check Out
Found 149 items, showing 1 to 10.    Next 10 Matches
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