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Found 84 items, showing 1 to 10.    Next 10 Matches
Category: AA Topics

The Turning Point - Roger B
4 CD Set
Many points throughout the Steps we make small and large adjustments, the significance is not always known at the time. This workshop is based on the steps from a somewhat different angel – Admission, Submission, Restitution and Construction of a new life.
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Topics

Keith & Sue D - Relationships
4 CD Set CD-469 -- Keith and Sue are both longtime members of A.A. and Al-Anon. They share how it works, and how it doesn’t work using the Steps and Traditions as a blueprint for their relationship as well as their children, sponsees and co-workers. A great couple and a great set!
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Topics

2016 Gopher Library Fundraiser
3 CD Set    2016 Gopher State Library Fundraiser, Wayzata, MN
“You are looking for God. That is the Problem. The God in you is the one looking. What you are looking for you are looking with!” .

Recorded 2016 at 4th Gopher State Tape Library Fundraiser. Dennis and Roger have been doing workshops together for years, sharing over 70 years of combined experience! This workshop discusses the search for God. Using the 12 Steps. Prayer, Meditation and the Inventory processes..?
$ 20.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Topics

Enhancing Your Spirituality
4 CD Set    Enhancing Your Spirituality - Ken D.
    Discover ways to improve your spiritual journey.
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Topics

Intimacy and Relationships
2 CD Set    Intimacy & Relationships / Sex and Sobriety - Pat A.
   Always a challenge - what do I mean by "relationship?" How do I interpret my instincts through the Principles and Steps? What do I practice every day?
$ 15.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Topics

God is Everything, or He is Nothing
3 CD Set    God is Everything, or He is Nothing - Sandy B.
  Questions about the Power. Sandy was one of AA's great speakers . . . well worth the listen!
$ 20.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Topics

Spirituality In Action Workshop
3 CD Set CD-443   Spirituality In Action Workshop, Minneapolis, MN
    Kort K. - AA
    Lori G. - AA
    Allen W. - AA
$ 20.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Topics

A Design for Living - Roger B.
4 CD Set    A Design for Living by Roger B. - AA
Recorded April 2012 Daily living using these steps is essential to growth and recovery. This set covers Spiritual Experience, Overview of the 12 Steps then emphasis on Steps 10-12 a daily discipline by which we guide and measure our progress.
Available in CD format only
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Topics

Love, Sex Intimacy & Forgiveness
6 CD Set    CD 430 Special Set Featuring the following Speakers:
  Peggy M. (AA) - Love. . .not just another 4 letter word
  Ed M. (AA) - Forgiveness
  Polly P. (AA) - Sex and Intimacy
These three members of A.A. have over 100 years of combined sobriety. They share beautifully on these topics, using their experience to give us some different ways to think about and look at Love, Sex, Intimacy and Forgiveness! Well worth the time.
$ 45.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Topics

Polly P - Emotional Sobriety
4 CD Set    CD 429   2012 Emotional Sobriety Workshop, Winnepeg, Canada
This workshop is based on Bill W.’s letter of 1954 in the Grapevine. In the article he discusses the various trials and low spots he has gone through over the years. His conclusion is the only reliance that really matters is a reliance on God. Polly does a great job with this; you won’t regret the time you spend with her on your Emotional Sobriety.
Available in CD format only
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Found 84 items, showing 1 to 10.    Next 10 Matches
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