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Found 324 items, showing 11 to 20.    Previous 10 Matches   Next 10 Matches
Category: Conference Sets

2016 M.N.Y.P.A.A.
4 CD Set    2016 M.N.Y.P.A.A. - State Conference Fearless & Thorough
    Jimmy L. - AA
    Sarah N. - AA
    Jonathan M. - AA
    Felecia S. - AA
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: Conference Sets

West Central Regional Conference
10 CD Set    2016 West Central Regional Conference, Bismarck, ND
The Spiritual Way of Life: Steps, Traditions and Concepts

The West Central Regional Conference is an annual event in which the trusted servants of the region - Iowa, North & South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming and Northern and Southern Minnesota - gather to share their experience, strength and hope with one another. It is a high energy event, often resulting in many new awarenesses for those attending.
$ 40.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: Conference Sets

2016 Big Ole Roundup
6 CD Set    2016 Big Ole Roundup, Alexandria, MN
    Brooke M. - AFG
    Jeff M. - AA
    Lisa R. - AA
    Craig M. - AFG
    Chris C. - AA
    Jon H. - AA
$ 40.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: Conference Sets

2016 Gopher Library Fundraiser
3 CD Set    2016 Gopher State Library Fundraiser, Wayzata, MN
“You are looking for God. That is the Problem. The God in you is the one looking. What you are looking for -- you are looking with!” .

Recorded 2016 at 4th Gopher State Tape Library Fundraiser. Dennis and Roger have been doing workshops together for years, sharing over 70 years of combined experience! This workshop discusses the search for God. Using the 12 Steps. Prayer, Meditation and the Inventory processes..?
$ 20.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: Conference Sets

2016 Sioux Empire Roundup
7 CD Set    2016 Sioux Empire Roundup -- Sioux Falls, SD
     Jack C. - AFG
     Pete M. - AA
     David B. - AA
     Beverly B. - AFG
     Chris S. - A.A.
     Lyle P. - AA
     Bruce E. - AA
$ 45.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: Conference Sets

2016 Winter Conference
6 CD Set    2016 Winter Conference
     Rod B. - AA
     Kelvin D. - AA
     Karen W. - AFG
     AA In Prisons
     Yvonne S. - AA
     Larry T. - AA
$ 45.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: Conference Sets

2nd Annual Rule 62 - AA Woodstock
11 CD Set    2nd Annual Rule 62 - North Dakota AA Woodstock, Bismarck, ND

Over 130 combined years of experience with 12 Step Recovery! This 11 disc set has Stories, Steps and Discussion, what to do, what not to do! Excellent!
    Don L. - AA
    Jeff V. - AA
    Mari G. - AA
    Kent C. - AA
    Roger B. - AA
$ 45.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: Conference Sets

2016 RUSC Conference
10 CD Set    2016 Recovery, Unity & Service Conference - St Louis Park, MN
   This annual conference provides both education and insight into the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and how they are viewed and understand by a wide variety of A.A. members.
$ 45.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: Conference Sets

2015 Founders Day Celebration
5 CD Set    2015 Founders Day Celebration - Minneapolis, MN
    Sharon C. - AA
    Speakers Panel
    Pati S. - AFG
    Clancy I. - AA
    Scott T. - AA
$ 35.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: Conference Sets

OA Convention 2015
10 CD Set    2015 Overeaters Anonymous Convention - Minneapolis, MN
Emotional, Spiritual and Physical Recovery

An annual convention that is host to informative and inspiring sharing. A great resource for O.A. members!
$ 50.00 View Cart Check Out
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