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Found 68 items, showing 1 to 10.    Next 10 Matches
Category: AA Step Studies

Mark H & Dave F. Big Book Study
8 CD Set    Mark H. & Dave F. Big Book Study - Dallas, Texas
$ 50.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Step Studies

Steps 6-9 - The Forgotten Steps
4 CD Set CD-465    The Forgotten Steps - 6-9   Recorded at the Ho Chunk Nation Bldg, La Crosse, WI
Dennis and Roger started doing workshops in the La Crosse area in 2004. We call this the Forgotten Steps Workshop. What is the context, what are they asking of me, what are the Principles involved? How do I know if I’ve done them well enough to move forward?
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Step Studies

2016 Gopher Library Fundraiser
3 CD Set    CD-464   2016 Gopher State Library Fundraiser, Wayzata, MN
“You are looking for God. That is the Problem. The God in you is the one looking. What you are looking for you are looking with!” .

Recorded 2016 at 4th Gopher State Tape Library Fundraiser. Dennis and Roger have been doing workshops together for years, sharing over 70 years of combined experience! This workshop discusses the search for God. Using the 12 Steps. Prayer, Meditation and the Inventory processes..?
$ 20.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Step Studies

Peter M. - His Story & Step 11
2 CD Set    CD-462  Peter M. - His Story and Step 11 - Prayer & Meditation
$ 15.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Step Studies

2nd Annual Rule 62 - AA Woodstock
11 CD Set    2nd Annual Rule 62 - North Dakota AA Woodstock, Bismarck, ND

Over 130 combined years of experience with 12 Step Recovery! This 11 disc set has Stories, Steps and Discussion, what to do, what not to do! Excellent!
    Don L. - AA
    Jeff V. - AA
    Mari G. - AA
    Kent C. - AA
    Roger B. - AA
$ 45.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Step Studies

Steps 1, 2 & 3 + His Story
3 CD Set    Steps 1,2 & 3 + His Story - Mickey B.
<     A very funny mand, acronyms are his trademark. Great to listen to!
$ 20.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Step Studies

12 Step Study
4 CD Set    A 12 Step Study by Kent C.
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Step Studies

Steps 3 and 12
3 CD Set    Character Defects and Practice these Principles - Don M.
  Don ia wonderful AA from Louisville. Recorded in 2005, this is a great study on Streps 3 & 11.
$ 20.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Step Studies

12th Step Workshop - Doug M.
4 CD SET    Recorded 2015 at the 11th Annual Big Ole Roundup, Doug brings a fire and enthusiasm to this workshop. High energy, Big Book, 12 Steps. Excellent for the new person or someone who's been around for awhile and could use a reminder. The speaker is Doug M. from Charlottesville, VA.
$ 25.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Step Studies

Rule 62 - 1st Annual ND AA Woodstock
10 CD Set    Rule 62 - 1st Annual North Dakota AA Woodstock
Over 100 combined years of experience with 12 Step recovery! This 10 disc set has Stories, Steps and Discussions, what to do, what not to do. Excellent!
    Karl M. - California
    Patti O. - California
    Michael D. - South Dakota
    Steve L. - Tennessee
    Roger B. - Minnesota
$ 45.00 View Cart Check Out
Found 68 items, showing 1 to 10.    Next 10 Matches
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