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Category: AA Traditions Concepts

West Central Regional Conference
The Spiritual Way of Life: Steps, Traditions and Concepts

The West Central Regional Conference is an annual event in which the trusted servants of the region - Iowa, North & South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming and Northern and Southern Minnesota - gather to share their experience, strength and hope with one another. It is a high energy event, often resulting in many new awarenesses for those attending.
$ 40.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Traditions Concepts

The Three Legacies
2 CD Set CD Set 432   Dennis B - His Story & the Three Legacies
Using the Principles universal to our process. Dennis ties together the Steps, Traditions and Concepts. "This is by far the BEST presentation, on these topics, I have heard to date." Dennis uses a very accessible and clear method to communicate what we are a part of and how it ALL ties together, Essential Listening! Sober 34 years, almost all of which were in General Service to the A.A. Fellowship.
$ 15.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Traditions Concepts

West Central Regional Conference
10 CD Set    2011 West Central Regional Service Conference at the Grand View Lodge, Nisswa, MN Workshops and presentations covering a wide range of AA service related issues with sharing for all 8 Areas in the West Central Region.
Available in CD format only
$ 50.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Traditions Concepts

Three Legacies Workshop
4 CD Set AA's Three Legacies Workshop, sponsored by District 18 (Mpls) of Area 36
Dave F. - Recovery
Lisa G. - Unity
Tom A - Service
Dennis B. - How the Legacies Work Together
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Traditions Concepts

Relationships / Traditions
4 CD Set CD-397   "Relationships Through the 12 Traditions" - Dave & Polly P, Birch Bay, WA.
Not available in tape format
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Traditions Concepts

Clancy I - The Twelve Traditions
Single CD    Clancy I. discusses AA's Twelve Traditions.
$ 8.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Traditions Concepts

Mpls Intergroup Workshop - 2006
# CD Set    Greater Minneapolis Intergroup – AA in a Changing World – Sponsorship, Service and Self Support
$ 23.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Traditions Concepts

12 Traditions & 12 Concepts
CD-299. 4 CDs. AA. Don P. from Aurora, CO, and Dennis B. from Farmington, MN. "General Service brings out the best and worst in AA. It attracts people who have power and want to give it away, and people who are seeking power. And the conflict that arises is good for AA. It brings out their creativity." This is a lively and engaging visit with a couple of great storytellers. Don & Dennis share their experiences of livign AA's principles at home, work and, of course, AA. Talking about the Legacies of Unity and Service was never more interesting and funny.
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Traditions Concepts

Tradtions in Relationships
CD-290. 4 CDs. Jeff & Brooke M. from Bloomington, MN. Jeff & Brooke do an excellent job of sharing how they apply the Twelve Traditions in AA and Al-Anon to their marriage-the challenges, the successes. This applies to any relationship: co-worker, boss, friend, partner. It really has something to offer all of us.
$ 30.00 View Cart Check Out
Category: AA Traditions Concepts

Twelve Steps & Service Workshop
CD-289. 6 CDs. Tom I. from Southern Pines, NC, and Don P. from Aurora, CO. These two men represent over 70 years of continuous sobriety. Both are past Delegates to the General Service Conference, and Don a past Trustee At Large. They share from their vast collection of experiences on the Steps and Service.
$ 45.00 View Cart Check Out
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